
Our commitment to you is to respond quickly and efficiently to your requirements and become an integral partner in the long term future success of your business and organisation.

We provide specialist recruitment services within the following market areas:

NHS Specialists – full corporate back office 

Placing highly skilled professionals from AfC band 5 to band 10, within NHS organisations including Acute NHS Trusts, Ambulance NHS Trusts, Community NHS Trusts, Clinical Commissioning Groups, Integrated Care Systems, Mental Health NHS Trusts and NHS Governing Bodies

Social Housing 

Placing into all Housing Associations, Registered Social Landlords, Registered Care Providers, Local Authorities and ALMO’s.

Procurement & Supply Chain

Placing at all levels within NHS, Housing Associations, Local and Central Government, Charities and Further Education, as well as Private Sector clients ranging from SMEs to multinational Plc’s and FTSE listed companies.

Public Sector Finance (non NHS)

Placing at all levels of finance within Housing Associations, Local and Central Government, Charities and Further Education.

Private Sector - Accountancy & Financial Services 

Placing permanent, contract and interim positions at all levels of finance with clients ranging from SMEs to multinational Plc’s and FTSE listed companies.

Estates, Facilities & Property (NHS and wider Public Sector)

Placing at all levels within NHS, Social Housing, Education, Central & Local Government, Regulatory Bodies and Emergency Services

Human Resources & Organisational Development

Placing at all levels within NHS, Housing Associations, Local and Central Government, Charities and Further Education, as well as Private Sector clients ranging from SMEs to multinational Plc’s and FTSE listed companies

By recruiting with Castlefield you are choosing an experienced and professional staffing solution that gives you access to the highest calibre of candidates relevant to your needs. specialist-recruitment-services

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